partner black falcon 2025

Sean Edwards Foundation: Progress on safety and a party to cttaelebrate

imageSean Edwards Foundation: Progress on safety and a party to celebrate

As many already know, supporting the Sean Edwards Foundation is a matter of the heart for us. The loss of our teammate hit us all very hard and we should always bear in mind that motorsports also has a dangerous side. The evolution of safety in motorsports is therefore also an important part of our work and we are delighted that the work of the Foundation, including the "Sean Edwards Test", is making great progress.

For this reason we would like to draw attention to two events on 5 December, with which the work of the SEF is being supported:

Safety Kar(t)s

Racing event with F1 and GT drivers on London's best indoor karting track. We from Black Falcon will also try to be there – with all the proceeds going to the SEF.

The Annual Smash Up

On the same day as the kart race – an intimate, relaxed and fun party according to this year's motto "The 1970s" and fundraising for the SEF. It’s all about taking part!

A further important event of the SEF will also take part on 12 January 2016 in Dubai:

SEF Fundraiser: Ride For Life

A bike race around the circuit of the 24-hour race of Dubai with many current, past and future champions. Again, all proceeds will go to the SEF – so please get on your bikes!

Further information on all events:

Information on the work of the Foundation available on the SEF website. It’s certainly worth a look!

We look forward to seeing many familiar faces at one or all of the events!






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